We live in the age of data where abundance of applications and analytic technologies enables organizations to collect extensive data on sales, customer satisfaction, efficiency and more. Data is accumulated in disparate mediums, leading to a disrupted flow of information. Still, most businesses fail to get value from the data collected. Regardless of your industry, the type of data you collect, there are certain specifications on how you analyze it and the actions to be made on end results which emerge as a significant impact on the success of your business. The SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) is a portfolio of technologies which allows businesses to transform their data into value more efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll go over SAP BTP on how it can be applied, and how it can benefit your business.

What is SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP)?

SAP Business Technology platform is a platform for intelligent enterprise which is flexible and provides independence to companies to integrate, helps in conversion of data to value and extensibility for SAP. SAP BTP offers various smart technologies helping the business process to reach optimization. Examples of such technologies include: Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain. BTP platform bestows SAP communities and developers a freedom to develop their own applications and solutions.

Categories of SAP Business Technology Platform:

There are essentially four Pillars of SAP Business Technology platform which are,

1. Data and Database Management:

SAP Business Technology platform helps the organizations dealing with a large number of data to store and manage it wisely and efficiently. With this efficient data-driven approach on SAP organizations can make strategies and profitable decisions out of it.

2. SAP Analytics Cloud:

SAP Business technology platform ensures the organizations to make use of embedded analytics and real-time insights into data through business intelligence (BI), Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). SAP BTP stimulates future conditions by making decisions with augmented analytics on past and present situations to every user. The analytics enabled the organization to seamline their series of actions, strategic conclusions and help in planning and forecasting.

3. Application Development and Integrations:

To stay for a long run business needs to revamp and modify from time to time to stay updated and ahead. With SAP BTP business can build and expand the digital landscape without affecting core operations through integrations. Integrations of applications allow the business to combine with the third-party vendors to improvise and offer ready-to-go business service.

4. Intelligent Technologies:

With the use of latest intelligent technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Machine learning, artificial intelligence, chatbots and more in business ensures it runs smoothly towards innovation. This helps the business to pace up with changing market and organizational needs.

Why choose SAP Business Technology Platform? 

It is the Centricity of SAP business Technology platforms that make it apart from other SAP offerings. Cloud platforms are becoming a hot topic with its agility, speed of innovation, cost savings and much more, many organizations are looking for SAP BTP to integrate the flow and to make the process seamless. 

Is SAP BTP the right platform for your business?  Get in touch with our SAP BASIS Solution team to discuss further, we help you get the most out of your SAP investment.